
Many a times  during operating we would have an “aha” moment and would think what if we could have this modification in a existing tool. We would harp on about the idea and keep ruminating , but the moment from realisation to reality never happens.

98 % of the time , because of lack of the support to develop the tools/ lack of expertise  the tool in mind never becomes a reality.

“Many feel, only some Express.  Out of those who  Express Only some  Do”

This is the void we Fill in.  We take the idea to reality. We have already developed Orthopaedic devices like Transosseus Cuff repair Jig, Distal locking Jig for Nailing etc to name a few.

With our expertise/ and our team of Engineers and access to facilities like State of art Engineering devices/3 D Printers,  we are able to take it from idea to prototype and facilitate testing for clinical validation.

If u have an idea and u think its worth it, contact us and lets move forward.